I created this to show why I think trees should be included within building information modeling (BIM). The diagram is part of a report and can be summarised as follows.
- More trees in cities - This is the end goal of this process. It requires significant investment.
- Developers have money
- Standard practice is not ideal - There is low incentive for developers to invest large amounts of capital in trees.
- Same language, incentive - The first step is to showcase trees benefits in the exact same language as the rest of the construction industry, which will create incentive to invest in trees.
- BIM - The building process of the construction industry is through building information modeling.
- Point cloud - The first step in BIM is to have a 3D model. Using Lidar technology to create a point cloud will give you a very accurate shape of an existing tree.
- 3D reconstruction - The points then need to be turned into a 3D model. This can be done through software that analyses the point cloud and builds 3D cylinders through points that follow a branching structure.
- Life cycle - The 3D model then needs a life cycle. This is much harder for a tree than other objects in BIM. Luckily there is lots of research on 3D model tree growth, mainly in forestry and gaming.
- Light + heat data - Models in BIM are data rich, which allow them to be analysed. Data on how light and trees move through specific tree specie canopies needs to be added to the tree model.
- Wind data - Data about how wind moves through the canopy must also be added.
- Glare - Trees effects on glare in buildings can now be analysed.
- Cooling load - Trees effects on the cooling load of buildings can now be analysed.
- Heating load - Trees effects on the heating load of buildings can now be analysed.
- Generative design - Trees can then be used in generative design to find optimal layouts and species which can reduce the energy use of buildings.
- Value engineering - When a project goes over budget and money needs to be saved there may now be a possibility that trees are used in the place of traditional environment control options such as facades.