As a university project we were asked to create a development proposal that acknowledges and enhances the existing land form. Karaka is in South Auckland. My proposal looks into the future at the problems that climate change will bring. The project can be summarized are follows.
- Trees are planted at the intersections of overland flow paths to ensure adequate water supply.
- 30 meter tall/wide trees are placed on the topography. Shadow frequency is analysed at half-hour intervals on summer solstice and winter solstice from 9am to 3pm.
- Summer and winter shadow frequency are cross mapped together. Winter values are reversed so that summer shadow is good and winter shadow is bad.
- The building footprints follow shadow values 15-27. This maximizes summer shade while avoiding any winter shade.
- The train line and main road run through the site while going up the least slope possible.
- The roads to the buildings are the least slope from each building to it’s least slope designated train station. This is designed to make it very cycle friendly.
- A 50 meter buffer around rivers is planted to help maintain water runoff quality. All slopes above 15 degrees are also planted to help with runoff and erosion.